Head of an Expert Heart of a Parent
Cooper Experts share the most relevant research, tailoring their guidance to you and your unique child. Sessions are filled with strategies, solutions and real time answers to your most important questions.
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What makes Cooper Experts Different?
They are Deeply Knowledgeable
Our experts not only know the science, they know how you can use it in your everyday moments. At Cooper, each coach is highly trained, vetted by our team, and grounded in evidence based practice.
They Get to Know You Personally
Getting to know you and your family is our number one priority, so we can deliver the science in a way that’s meaningful to you. It’s not a one-size-fits all approach, but tailored and thoughtful insight into your needs and the needs of your family.
They are Always Here for You
Available on demand for the late night bedtime battles and early morning for the tantrums getting out the door, our experts will feel like family. The best friend you always wish you had, who just happens to have a PhD.